路線和檢測站Route & Checkpoints
挑戰組別 Challenger :
“Challenger 挑戰組別” 包含香港兩大郊遊徑, 由麥理浩徑經衛奕信徑往終點,當中挑戰難度在於要攀登港兩大山峰…針山(麥理浩徑) ,和八仙嶺 (衛奕信徑) 。全程約38公里, 時限12小時。
The route for category of “Challenger” links from Maclehose Trail to Wilson Trail traverses Needle Hill (Maclehose Trail) and Pat Sin Leng (Wilson Trail), which is challenging. Participants should complete the course 38 km no longer than 12 hours.
Please see below for detailed description for “Challenger”
- 比賽地圖 Trail Map
Start Point to Check Point 3
Check Point 4 to Finish Point
包含香港兩大郊遊徑, 由麥理浩徑經衛奕信往終點,當中挑戰難度在於要攀登港兩大山峰…針山(麥理浩徑) ,和八仙嶺 (衛奕信徑) 。全程約38公里, 時限12小時。
雙徑盃詳細線將由荃灣城門水塘大壩為起點,沿畔塘徑經麥理浩徑第七段近標柱 M126 (第一檢查站) ,登上可以俯瞰荃灣、青馬、以至大帽山景色的針山,然後登上可以遠眺大帽山的草山,之後向(第二檢查站) 即標柱 M132附近的分岔路口, 然後經草山向鉛礦坳進發。
由鉛礦坳經打鐵刃到碗窯避雨亭 (第三檢查站) , 途經樊仙宮、馬窩; 到達太和之後登上九龍坑山;經九龍坑山以後,就會到達鶴藪水塘(第四檢查站) ;之後正式進入八仙嶺郊野公園段,途徑黃嶺、采和峰、湘子峰、純陽峰….等山峰,直至到仙姑峰後離開衛奕信徑第九段,轉向大尾督方向春風亭,橫過汀角路,經美湖路至船灣淡水湖畔;最後會經山路,前往大尾督郊野公園,最後到達船灣淡水湖大壩直升機坪,為本賽程的終點。
The route covers two main trails in Hong Kong: Maclehose Trail and Wilson Trail. The most challenging and exciting part is to step across two main peaks, Needle Hill (Maclehose Trail) and Pat Sin Leng (Wilson Trail). The course is around 38 km and time limit for completion is 12 hours.
Starting off at Shing Mun Reservoir Main Dam, winding through Reservoir Walk to Maclehose Trail Sec. 7 and reaching Checkpoint 1 (Distance Post M126), then mounting to Needle Hill that with spectacular view of Tsuen Wan, Tsing Ma and Tai Mo Shan, next by Grassy Hill and going towards Checkpoint 2 (turnoff near Distance Post M132), travelling to Lead Mine Pass afterwards.
From miles across Ta Tit Yan from Lead Mine Pass, rain shelter in Wun Yiu is there. It is also Checkpoint 3. Then passing Fan Sin Temple, Ma Wo, Tai Wo and across Cloudy Hill, Hok Tau Reservoir (Checkpoint 4) is over there. To continue, hiking up to the range of Wong Leng, Choi Wo Fung, Sheung Tsz Fung, Shun Yeung Fung and Hsien Ku Fung, and Spring Breeze Pavilion is found with the past of Wilson Trail Sec. 9. Then stringing along Ting Kok Road, Mei Wo Road, Plover Cove Reservoir towards Tai Mei Tuk Country Park and ends at Plover Cove Reservoir Helipad
起點 Start
荃灣城門水塘大壩 Shing Mun Reservoir Main Dam, Tsuen Wan
起點詳細內容 Start Point Details |
途經 Passing through
畔塘徑 Reservoir Walk (Shing Mun Reservoir jogging path)
到達第一檢測站 Checkpoint 1
麥理浩徑第七段近標柱 M126 Maclehose Trail Sec. 7 near “District Post M126”
第一檢測站詳細內容 Check Point 1 Details |
途經 Passing through
針山、草山 Needle Hill and Grassy Hill |
到達第二檢測站 Checkpoint 2
標柱 M132附近的分岔路口 The turnoff near “District Post M132”
第二檢測站詳細內容 Check Point 2 Details |
途經 Passing through
鉛礦坳、打鐵刃 Lead Mine Pass, Ta Tit Yan
到達第三檢測站 Checkpoint 3
碗窯避雨亭 Rain shelter in Wun Yiu
第三檢測站詳細內容 Check Point 3 Details |
途經 Passing through
樊仙宮、馬窩; 到達太和之後登上九龍坑山;經九龍坑山以後,就會到達鶴藪水塘 Fan Sin Temple, Ma Wo; reach Tai Wo and hike up to Cloudy Hill; across Cloudy hill and arrive at Hok Tau Reservoir
到達第四檢測站 Checkpoint 4
鶴藪水塘 Hok Tau Reservoir
第四檢測站詳細內容 Check Point 4 Details |
途經 Passing through
進入八仙嶺郊野公園段,途徑黃嶺、采和峰、湘子峰、純陽峰,仙姑峰後,離開衛奕信徑第九段,向大尾督方向前往春風亭,橫過汀角路,經美湖路至船灣淡水湖畔經山路,前往大尾督郊野公園,最後到達船灣淡水湖大壩直升機坪 Arrive at Pat Sin Leng Country Park, wind through Wong Leng, Choi Wo Fung, Sheung Tsz Fung, Shun Yeung Fung and Hsien Ku Fung, leave Wilson Trail Sec. 9 and go to Spring Breeze Pavilion in the direction of Tai Mei Tuk. Cross Ting Kok Road and Mei Wo Road to Plover Cove Reservoir, string along the path to Tai Mei Tuk Country Park, end at Plover Cove Reservoir Helipad
到達終點 Finish
大尾督郊野公園(船灣淡水湖停機坪) Tai Mei Tuk Country Park (Plover Cove Reservoir Helipad)
終點詳細內容 Finish Point Details |
家庭歡樂組別 Family Fun:
適合一家大小參與的賽事, 由城門水塘大壩為起點, 沿畔塘徑步行可以飽覽城門水塘秀麗風景, 並可眺望對岸著名的「城門風水林」, 風景秀麗,然後在畔塘徑第二出口轉右, 回到城門水塘大壩作為終點。預計3小時左右行畢全程,絕對老少咸宜!
An ideal scenic route suitable for all ages. Starting from Shing Mun Reservoir Main Dam, stroll along the bank of the reservoir (Reservoir Walk) to enjoy the beautiful scenery. And gazing afar the “Fung Shui Woods”, cultivated by villagers are now a cradle for regenerated native afforestation species, you will just be delighted and mesmerized by such grand landscape. Then turn right at the second exit of Reservoir Walk to go back to Shing Mun Reservoir Main Dam to finish the course. The entire 5 km takes around 3 hours to complete.
- 比賽地圖 Trail Map

安全事項 Safety
由於天氣炎熱,容易引致中暑。由於患者可能在很短時間內死亡,如參賽者有中暑症狀 (中暑的早期症狀包括口渴、疲倦、噁心、頭痛等,其後會出現氣促、脈搏急速及微弱、暈眩、神智不清,甚至不省人事及痙攣等情況) ,請立即停止比賽,並通知工作人員,以盡速為患者進行急救。
Participants should pay special attention when run along rugged and gravel tracks. Be considerate! Safety comes first when far ahead others. Participants should give way to the fasters. Also, participants should well prepare food and water that adequate for running in between checkpoints or water points. To avoid dehydration in hot weather, participants is reminded to drink more water to replenish body moisture and minerals. Safety is first priority!
Heat stroke can cause death within a very short time. It easily happens in the condition of extreme or prolonged exposure to heat. If there is any symptoms of heat stroke, participants are strongly urged to stop the game and notify staff immediately. Treatment must be speedy.
Symptoms of heat stroke: early signs are thirsty, fatigue, nausea, headache, followed by pant, palpitations, dizziness, restlessness, spasm and finally unconsciousness.
移動電話覆蓋情況 Mobile phone coverage
Most tracks are in mobile phone network coverage. However there may have no network coverage in some areas or circumstances exist intermittently receive signals
物資提供 Resources Support
挑戰組別 Challenger
Please check below for resources support. Please also bring along with your own water container as NO disposable cup will be provided.
地點 Points
物資提供 Resources
起點 (城門水塘大壩) Starting Point (Shing Mum Reservoir Main Dam)
水 Water
第一檢測站 (麥理浩徑第七段) Checkpoint 1 (Maclehose Trail Sec. 7)
水 Water
第二檢測站 (草山,標柱 M132附近的分岔路口) Checkpoint 2 (Grassy Hill, turnoff near “Distance Post M132)
水 Water
水站 (鉛礦坳) Water Point (Lead Mine Pass)
水 Water
第三檢測站 (碗窯避雨亭) Checkpoint 3 (rain shelter at Wun Yiu)
水、水果、麵包 Water, fruits, bread
水站 (馬窩) Water Point (Ma Wo)
水 Water
水站 (九龍坑山) Water Point (Cloudy Hill)
水 Water
第四檢測站 (鶴藪水塘) Checkpoint 4 (Hok Tau Reservoir)
水、水果、麵包 Water, fruits, bread
水站 (黃嶺) Water Point (Wong Leng)
水 Water
終點 (大尾督郊野公園) Finishing Point (Tai Mei Tuk Country Park)
水、水果、麵包 Water, fruits, bread
家庭組別 Family Fun
地點 Point
物資提供 Resources
起點 (城門水塘大壩) Starting Point (Shing Mun Reservoir Main Dam)
水 Water
麥理浩徑第七段 Maclehose Trail Sec. 7
水 Water
急救 First Aid
Emergency first aid will be available at each checkpoint. Automated External Defibrillator (AED自動體外心臟去顫器) will be set at the finish point.