比賽日期: 2014年8月17日(星期日)
截止報名日期: 2014年7月27日
取名《慈恩雙徑盃》, 因為該比賽路線(挑戰組別), 包含香港兩大郊遊徑, 由麥理浩徑經衛奕信徑往終點,當中挑戰難度在於要攀登香港兩大高峯:針山(麥理浩徑)和八仙嶺(衛奕信徑)。
活動亮點: 秉承慈恩基金會「專款專用」的傳統,是次比賽所籌得的所有善款,絕不扣除任何行政費,全數由慈恩基金會撥作援建山區校舍之用。
"Grace Charity Double Trail Run 2014" is a fund raising event initiated and organized by a group of volunteers who are enthusiastic in hiking. Through this fund-raising event, we aim at supporting Grace Charity Foundation to continue their meaningful work in the school building and education projects in the remote mountainous regions in Mainland China. Ultimately, by providing a fair opportunity for the under-privileged children to obtain better education, we hope to help them to get better job opportunities after their graduation and then be able to improve their living conditions and finally be freed from poverty and contribute themselves back to the society.
This is a hiking race which challenges the power of endurance of the participants as it not only covers the two hiking trails in HK (Wilson Trail and Maclehose Trail), but also covers the two peaks - Pat Sin Leng and Needle Hill. Therefore, this hiking race requires participants to have plenty of hiking experience as well as very fit physical condition in order to participate in this event.
As the long standing tradition of Grace Charity Foundation Limited, we guarantee 100% of the raised fund will be used in school building projects in the remote mountainous regions in Mainland China to help the under-privileged children under the scrutiny of Grace Charity Foundation. There will be No administration cost to be deducted from all the proceeds.
主禮嘉賓 Guest of Honor:
車淑梅女士 Ms. Candy Che
- 香港金牌 DJ; 1992 年香港十大傑出青年 (Famous DJ; 1992 Ten Outstanding Young Persons)
黎志偉先生 Mr. Lai Chi Wai
- 2002 & 2003 亞洲攀岩錦標賽速度冠軍 (2002&03 Champion of Asia UIAA Rock Climbing Competition)
- 2008 長洲太平清醮搶包山比賽冠軍 (2008 Champion of Cheung Chau Bun Festival)
日期 Date: 2014/08/17 (星期日Sunday)
起步點 Starting point :
城門水塘大壩 Shing Mun Reservoir Main Dam
挑戰組比賽流程 Event Rundown for Challenger Category:
登記時間: Registration |
6 : 30AM – 7 : 30AM |
起步禮: Starting ceremony |
7 : 45AM |
起步: Starting time |
8 : 00AM |
結束: End time |
8 : 00PM |
家庭歡樂組比賽流程 Event Rundown for Family Fun Category:
登記時間: Registration |
7 : 30AM – 8 : 15AM |
起步: Starting time |
8 : 30AM |
結束: End time |
1 : 00PM |
組別 Category
挑戰組 : |
男,女子組 (全程38公里,必須於12小時内完成) Male, Female (38 km, start at 8am and maximum period for completion is 12 hours) |
家庭歡樂組: |
全程5公里,必須於下午1:00完成 5 km, start at 8:30am and finish at 1:00pm |
獎項 Prizes
挑戰組 : |
設有男女子組冠軍獎項,各得獎金港幣2000元 |
家庭歡樂組: |
設有賽事冠軍獎項,獎金港幣1000元 |
另設有最高籌款額比賽,得獎者將獲頒發獎品及感謝狀 |
比賽規則 Rules & Regulations
Participants must observe the rules and directions set out by the Organisers, failing which the Organisers may disqualify the Participant, and reserve all rights therein. The Organisers may at its sole discretion and at any stage of the competition eliminate any Participant from continuing with the competition.
- 所有參賽者必須在2014年8月17日年滿18歲。All Participants must reach 18 years of age on 17 August
- 所有參賽者必須以個人形式參賽。All Participants must take part as Individual Participants.
- 所有參賽者必須完成報名手續包括於提前報名優惠或報名截止日期前繳交所有報名費及最低捐款額,方可參加比賽。All Participants must complete the application procedure including early bird discount or pay the minimum donation amount by the deadline for application before the Participant may take part in the competition.
- 是次活動無需指定裝備。There is no specific equipment for this activity.
- 分差路段均放指示方向牌,參賽者必須依正確次序,前往所屬組別之檢查站報到 ,蓋印或登記,(家庭組別須於各檢查站確定人數)及走畢全程,方可獲得排名及競逐各組別之獎項。)Direction signs will be placed at diversions, Participants must follow the correct procedure and proceed to the check-point for that Category to report arrival, to obtain a seal or to register (Family Category Participants must confirm the number of Participants at the check-point in order to obtain a ranking and the prize of each category).
- 參賽者須以步行或跑步形式完成整項比賽。除獲得大會指示外,參賽者在比賽期間不得乘坐任何交通工具或使用任何輔助方法。Participants must walk or run to complete the whole Competition. Unless directed by the Organisers, Participants must not take other mode of transport or use other supplementary method.
- 比賽期間,參賽者必須全程將號碼布掛在身前當眼處,以便識別及登記。During the Competition, the Participants must place the number cloth in a prominent position, for easy identification and registration.
- 報道時忘記帶號碼布,大會工作人員會現場手寫及蓋章補發,補發費用隨意捐助。If the Participant forgot to bring the number cloth, Organiser’s staff will write by hand on-site and make replacement. Replacement fee is levied on a voluntary basis.
- 如於比賽開始後遺失號碼布則不獲補發。由於難以確實參賽者到齊所有檢查站,因此該參賽者將不會獲得名次。Replacement cloth lost after the race started will not be replaced. The Participant will not obtain a ranking because it is hard to confirm all Participants arrive at the check point.
- 慈恩會於路徑設置4個檢查站,參賽者必須於檢查站關閉前辦妥登記手續,方可繼續參與活動。各檢查站的關閉時間為如下﹝請詳列所有檢查站﹞Grace Charity will set up 4 check points on the route. All Participants must complete the registration procedure before the check points close to continue taking part in the activity. The closing time of each check point is as follows (details of all check points)
Check point No.1麥理浩徑第七段近標柱 M126
Maclehose 7 near signpost M126上午 10:30 關閉
closing at 10:30 am.第二檢測站
Check point No.2標柱 M132 附近的分岔路口
Diversion near Signpost M132下午 12:15 關閉
closing at 12:15 pm.第三檢測站
Check point No.3碗窯避雨亭 下午 2:00 關閉
closing at 2:00 pm第四檢測站
Check point No.4鶴藪水塘
Hok Kau Reservoir下午 5:30 關閉)
closing at 5:30 pm大尾督 (終點)
Tai Mei Tuk終點
Finishing point - 比賽期間,參賽者不得接受外界任何形式之支援,如被發現,大會有權在參賽者的總成績加上處罰時間或取消該參賽者的參賽資格。 During the competition, the Participant may not receive any outside support in any form. If support is discovered, the Organiser may add penalty time on the Participant’s time or disqualify that Participant.
- 參賽者若未能於指定關閉時間前到達檢查站,須立即致電大會熱 線報告,並遵照大會指示停留在最接近的檢查站,等候大會之安排。在獲得大會批准,該隊方可繼續餘下之比賽,惟其成績將不獲排名。 Participants who cannot arrive the check-point at the specified closing time must inform the Organisers immediately by the relevant hotline, and follow the Organisers’ directions to stay at the nearest check-point and wait for the Organisers’ arrangement. After obtaining the Organisers’ approval, that team may then continue with the remaining part of the competition, but their result will not be ranked.
- 參賽者須遵守郊野守則,不得隨地拋棄垃圾及留下火種。Participants must observe the country side rules and must not leave rubbish or kindling.
- 參賽者須遵守交通規則及使用行人過路設施。Participants must observe traffic rules and use pedestrian crossing facilities.
- 請時刻留意自己的身體狀況,必須量力而為。如有不適,請即告知同行隊友,切勿勉強行事,並須立即致電大會熱線報告。該名退出的參賽者必須獲大會批准後方能離開。如參賽者未能遵守以上規則,大會有權取消他們日後參加「慈恩雙徑盃」的資格。Please observe your bodily conditions at all times and do not push too hard. If there is any discomfort, please inform your accompanying teammates immediately. Do not force oneself to continue, and do call the Organisers by the telephone hotline. That retiring Participant must obtain the Organisers’ approval before he or she may leave. If the Participant cannot observe the above rules, the Organisers may disqualify them from taking part in future “Grace Charity Double Trail Run” events.
- 為安全起見,建議每位參賽者隨身攜帶最少兩部電量充足的手提電話供求救時使用。求救時,請清楚說明參賽者編號、位置、標距柱號碼、受傷情況及聯絡電話,以確保大會可盡快到達現場作出救援。For safety measure, it is proposed that each Participant bring along two fully charged mobile phones for emergency use. When seeking emergency assistance, please state clearly your Participant number, location, signpost number, injury and contact number, for the Organisers to arrive at the scene as soon as possible to help.
- 建議參賽者具備基本急救能力。香港聖約翰救護機構(電話: 2530 8020-24)及醫療輔助隊(電話:2762 2020)均有開辦急救課程,可供參加者報讀。It is proposed that the Participants have basic first aid ability. Hong Kong St John’s Ambulance (T: 2530 8020-24) and Auxiliary Medical Service (T: 2762 2020) organize first aid courses for Participants to enroll.
- 所有參加者必須在起點遞交已簽署的免責聲明,以示同意慈恩基金、贊助機構及支援機構毋須對參加者死亡、受傷或財物損失等情況負責。All Participants must submit signed Disclaimer form at the Starting Point to disclaim Grace Charity, sponsoring organization and supporting organization from any responsibility for injury, death or property loss of the Participant.
- 基於參賽者及義工之安全或公眾健康,大會有權在登記開始前或比賽期間取消比賽﹝如:遇惡劣天氣﹞,而不會延期舉行。倘若延期舉行,日期容後公佈。For the sake of the Participant or volunteer’s safety and public health, the Organisers may cancel the race before the registration starts or during the competition (e.g. under bad weather conditions) and do not have to hold the competition at a future date. If the Competition is deferred to be held on a future date, such date will be announced in due course.
- 在任何情況下,所有已繳付之費用和已接受之捐款概不退還。Under all circumstances, fees paid and donations received will not be refunded.
- 大會保留隨時修改及解釋所有比賽規則之最後權利。The Organisers reserve the final rights to amend or explain all competition rules at all times.
裝備 Gears
No special gear is required. Participants are suggested to bring along with items such as anti-chafing cream, sunscreen, spare clothing and so on for their own needs.
個人物品寄存 Drop Bags
Details will be announced in due course.
交通 Transport Information
前往比賽起點 Going to Starting Point
在荃灣兆和街,可乘坐82號小巴至城門水塘菠蘿壩,在終點城門水塘菠蘿壩落車,沿水塘路前行約10-15分鐘就會到達起點。車費 $4.90,頭班車為 6:45 a.m. (每5-15分鐘一班) ;或乘搭40X、46X、47X、48X、73X、278X號巴士,在和宜合道可風中學下車,再沿城門道步行三十分鐘,到達菠蘿壩,沿右行二十分鐘可達城門水塘主壩。
In Siu Wo Street, Tsuen Wan, take green minibus no. 82 to Pineapple Dam of Shing Mun Reservoir. After getting off, walk forward for about 10-15 minutes to Starting Point. The fare is HK$4.9. The first scheduled in service is at 6:45 am (frequency: every 5-15 minutes) Or take bus no. 40X, 46X, 47X, 48X, 73X or 278X to Ho Fung College on Wo Yi Hop Road. After getting off the bus, walk along Shing Mun Road for 30 minutes to Pineapple Dam. From there, it is a 20-minute walk to the main dam.
離開終點 Return
On-call taxi service may be required due to the faraway distance from the finishing point to city centre.
九巴75K,尾班車星期日由大尾督往大埔墟火車站時間為11:40 p.m.,車費為$5.5。
KMB no.75K from Tai Mei Tuk to Tai Po Market Station. The last scheduled in service is at 11:40 pm. The fare is HK$5.5.
Green Minibus
No. 20C towards Tai Po Market Station.
路線和檢測站Route & Checkpoints
挑戰組別 Challenger :
“Challenger 挑戰組別” 包含香港兩大郊遊徑, 由麥理浩徑經衛奕信徑往終點,當中挑戰難度在於要攀登港兩大山峰…針山(麥理浩徑) ,和八仙嶺 (衛奕信徑) 。全程約38公里, 時限12小時。
The route for category of “Challenger” links from Maclehose Trail to Wilson Trail traverses Needle Hill (Maclehose Trail) and Pat Sin Leng (Wilson Trail), which is challenging. Participants should complete the course 38 km no longer than 12 hours.
Please see below for detailed description for “Challenger”
- 比賽地圖 Trail Map
Start Point to Check Point 3
Check Point 4 to Finish Point
包含香港兩大郊遊徑, 由麥理浩徑經衛奕信往終點,當中挑戰難度在於要攀登港兩大山峰…針山(麥理浩徑) ,和八仙嶺 (衛奕信徑) 。全程約38公里, 時限12小時。 雙徑盃詳細線將由荃灣城門水塘大壩為起點,沿畔塘徑經麥理浩徑第七段近標柱 M126 (第一檢查站) ,登上可以俯瞰荃灣、青馬、以至大帽山景色的針山,然後登上可以遠眺大帽山的草山,之後向(第二檢查站) 即標柱 M132附近的分岔路口, 然後經草山向鉛礦坳進發。 由鉛礦坳經打鐵刃到碗窯避雨亭 (第三檢查站) , 途經樊仙宮、馬窩; 到達太和之後登上九龍坑山;經九龍坑山以後,就會到達鶴藪水塘(第四檢查站) ;之後正式進入八仙嶺郊野公園段,途徑黃嶺、采和峰、湘子峰、純陽峰….等山峰,直至到仙姑峰後離開衛奕信徑第九段,轉向大尾督方向春風亭,橫過汀角路,經美湖路至船灣淡水湖畔;最後會經山路,前往大尾督郊野公園,最後到達船灣淡水湖大壩直升機坪,為本賽程的終點。 The route covers two main trails in Hong Kong: Maclehose Trail and Wilson Trail. The most challenging and exciting part is to step across two main peaks, Needle Hill (Maclehose Trail) and Pat Sin Leng (Wilson Trail). The course is around 38 km and time limit for completion is 12 hours. Starting off at Shing Mun Reservoir Main Dam, winding through Reservoir Walk to Maclehose Trail Sec. 7 and reaching Checkpoint 1 (Distance Post M126), then mounting to Needle Hill that with spectacular view of Tsuen Wan, Tsing Ma and Tai Mo Shan, next by Grassy Hill and going towards Checkpoint 2 (turnoff near Distance Post M132), travelling to Lead Mine Pass afterwards. From miles across Ta Tit Yan from Lead Mine Pass, rain shelter in Wun Yiu is there. It is also Checkpoint 3. Then passing Fan Sin Temple, Ma Wo, Tai Wo and across Cloudy Hill, Hok Tau Reservoir (Checkpoint 4) is over there.
家庭歡樂組別 Family Fun:
適合一家大小參與的賽事, 由城門水塘大壩為起點, 沿畔塘徑步行可以飽覽城門水塘秀麗風景, 並可眺望對岸著名的「城門風水林」, 風景秀麗,然後在畔塘徑第二出口轉右, 回到城門水塘大壩作為終點。預計3小時左右行畢全程,絕對老少咸宜!
An ideal scenic route suitable for all ages. Starting from Shing Mun Reservoir Main Dam, stroll along the bank of the reservoir (Reservoir Walk) to enjoy the beautiful scenery. And gazing afar the “Fung Shui Woods”, cultivated by villagers are now a cradle for regenerated native afforestation species, you will just be delighted and mesmerized by such grand landscape. Then turn right at the second exit of Reservoir Walk to go back to Shing Mun Reservoir Main Dam to finish the course. The entire 5 km takes around 3 hours to complete.
- 比賽地圖 Trail Map
安全事項 Safety
由於天氣炎熱,容易引致中暑。由於患者可能在很短時間內死亡,如參賽者有中暑症狀 (中暑的早期症狀包括口渴、疲倦、噁心、頭痛等,其後會出現氣促、脈搏急速及微弱、暈眩、神智不清,甚至不省人事及痙攣等情況) ,請立即停止比賽,並通知工作人員,以盡速為患者進行急救。
Participants should pay special attention when run along rugged and gravel tracks. Be considerate! Safety comes first when far ahead others. Participants should give way to the fasters. Also, participants should well prepare food and water that adequate for running in between checkpoints or water points. To avoid dehydration in hot weather, participants is reminded to drink more water to replenish body moisture and minerals. Safety is first priority!
Heat stroke can cause death within a very short time. It easily happens in the condition of extreme or prolonged exposure to heat. If there is any symptoms of heat stroke, participants are strongly urged to stop the game and notify staff immediately. Treatment must be speedy.
Symptoms of heat stroke: early signs are thirsty, fatigue, nausea, headache, followed by pant, palpitations, dizziness, restlessness, spasm and finally unconsciousness.
移動電話覆蓋情況 Mobile phone coverage
Most tracks are in mobile phone network coverage. However there may have no network coverage in some areas or circumstances exist intermittently receive signals
物資提供 Resources Support
挑戰組別 Challenger
Please check below for resources support. Please also bring along with your own water container as NO disposable cup will be provided.
地點 Points |
物資提供 Resources |
起點 (城門水塘大壩) |
水 |
第一檢測站 (麥理浩徑第七段) |
水 |
第二檢測站 (草山,標柱 M132附近的分岔路口) |
水 |
水站 (鉛礦坳) |
水 |
第三檢測站 (碗窯避雨亭) |
水、水果、麵包 |
水站 (馬窩) |
水 |
水站 (九龍坑山) |
水 |
第四檢測站 (鶴藪水塘) |
水、水果、麵包 |
水站 (黃嶺) |
水 |
終點 (大尾督郊野公園) |
水、水果、麵包 |
家庭組別 Family Fun
地點 Point |
物資提供 Resources |
起點 (城門水塘大壩) |
水 |
麥理浩徑第七段 |
水 |
急救 First Aid
Emergency first aid will be available at each checkpoint. Automated External Defibrillator (AED自動體外心臟去顫器) will be set at the finish point.
團體 Organizations |
中國香港民眾安全服務隊志願人員協會 |
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明愛柴灣馬登基金中學 |
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無國界工程師 |
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政府飛行服務隊 |
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香港少年領䄂團 |
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香港業餘電台聯會 |
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皇家香港軍團(義勇軍)協會 |
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報名詳情 ENTRY
截止報名日期 Deadline of Application: 2014/07/27
參賽資格 Criteria
1. |
參加挑戰組別者必須年滿18歲 |
2. |
最低籌款額 Minimum mount for fundraising : |
參賽方法 Method
郵寄:把存款收據或支票(背後標明參賽者姓名,電話,電郵和參賽組別), 郵寄香港九龍新蒲崗景福街99號啟德工廠大廈C座1樓, 慈恩基金會收,信封請標明"慈恩雙徑盃"或
電郵: 提供參賽者姓名,電話,電郵和參賽組別,將存款收據或支票副本寄往This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 。
由於設有「最高籌款額」比賽,參賽者也可選擇在截至報名前(7月27日)先遞交最低籌款額HK$400, 然後在賽事結束後兩星期(即9月1日或之前) 將所有籌得善款(以銀行存款或支票方式)交回慈恩。「最高籌款額」比賽結果將會在稍後時間於慈恩網頁公佈,得獎者將有專人個別通知。
Please download and complete the registration form. Donation can be deposited to the following bank or delivered by cheque and return the bank receipt/cheque and the registration form either by :-
Mail: please mark the participant’s name, phone number, email address and attending category at the back of the cheque, enclosed with the registration form, post to 1/F Flat C, Kai Tak Factory Building, Number 99, King Fook Street, Sun Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, or by
Email: please mark the participant’s name, phone number, email address and attending category in the email, enclosed with the registration form, and email the copy of the bank receipt/cheque to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Grace Charity will return by email as confirmation upon receiving it.
Participants who want to support the move of ‘Highest Donation” can firstly submit the minimum donation of HK$400 together with their registration form before the deadline (27 July 2014), then follow by submitting the total amount of fund raised (by bank deposit or cheque) within 2 weeks after the event (i.e. on or before 1 September 2014). The result of “Highest Donation” will be announced on the website of Grace Charity Foundation. The winner will also be notified individually.
銀行資料 |
中國銀行(香港)有限公司 Bank of China (Hong Kong) |
聯絡慈恩: |
傳真 Fax: 2321-1886 香港九龍新蒲崗景福街99號啟德工廠大廈C座1樓 1/F Flat C, Kai Tak Factory Building, Number 99, King Fook Street, Sun Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. |
如有任何疑問, 請致電或whatsapp Thomas Lin (電話9620-0575, wechat ID tl041269) 査詢。本會網址 http://www.gracecharity.org
For enquiries, please contact or whatsapp Thomas Lin at 9620-0575, wechat ID tl041269. Website: http://www.gracecharity.org
Refunds 退款
As there is no administration fee and all the collected money will be used for charity purpose, registration fee will not be refunded.
設有「最高籌款額」比賽,籌款/捐款額最高的參加者/家庭組別將獲由慈恩基金會及贊助商送出的獎品及感謝狀以作嘉許。希望大家有錢出錢,有力出力! 為山區小孩走出個未來!
As promised, all money raised from this event will be earmarked for school construction in remote areas of China. No administration cost will be charged.
The participant from the Challenger and the Family Fun Category who raised the highest amount of donation will be awarded with Merit Certificate and Prizes presented by Grace Charity Foundation Limited and related Sponsors. Let’s go! Get up and help our children in remote areas of China “walk” for the future.